Author Archives: JAY

About DisposablePod Vapes Revealed–7 Misconceptions

About DisposablePod Vapes Revealed

About DisposablePod Vapes Revealed. Are you in the US, China, or Canada? If yes, the Disposable pod may not be new. E-cigarettes with Disposablepod have been a new revolution in recent months. Both ex-smokers and vapers are joining the trend. People are creating myths about Disposablepod e-cigarettes and you know what those myths are. With […]

Vaping vs Smoking, which is better for you?


Vaping vs Smoking, which is better for you? Vaping involves drawing in and exhaling fumes from different essences and nicotine, smoking is breathing in air from burning tobacco. Currently, there’s an increase in the use of e-cigarettes, also known as vaping. Many people are switching to vaping as an alternative to smoking. One of the […]

Best Disposable Vape of 2022

Top 5 Disposable Vapes –G20#1 Category Product Price Best Disposable Vape of 2022 G20 $19.99 5000 Disposable Vapes MIRA PRO $11.50 Best Blu Disposable Blu Disposable E-Cigarette $12.00 Best Pre-filled disposable EKO BAR $13.00 Powerful Disposable E-Cig ELF BAR BC5000 $17.95 Top 5 Disposable Vapes by disposable pod #1 G20 DISPOSABLE VAPES G20 DISPOSABLE VAPES […]